Our Top 5 Edinburgh Coffee Shops

A big, warm welcome to our journal.

If you love your morning coffee fix, read on! Over the last few years Edinburgh has exploded with soulful coffeeshops. Aesthetic, cool, joyous, whatever your vibe, we’ve got you covered. 

The Milkman Cockburn Street, Old Town

Coffee with heart and soul. Always cosy, always inviting, we can’t count the times we’ve sheltered from the rain in this little haven with its friendly staff and pared back, authentic vibe. How can you not fall in love with the ghost signage and the backstory? The owner Mark’s Great Grandfather was a milkman in Aberdeenshire, and the last person to deliver milk by horse-drawn cart to the town. And let’s talk about that feeling when you walk past, and the iconic window seat is empty... 

Fortitude Hamilton Place, Stockbridge

Another favourite is the pared back Fortitude with its seriously good coffee. The open space with its original tiled walls and minimal, scandi furniture is fronted by staff who always have a warm welcome for you. Definitely a contender for the best coffee in Edinburgh. 

Lovecrumbs West Port, Old Town

Aw, Lovecrumbs. All at once cute, grungy, joyous and charming, we always have a bit of love for this coffeeshop. Sitting here on a rainy day with an oat milk latte, a slice of the prettiest chocolate rose cake, and its mismatched china, all is suddenly right with the world! 

Soderberg Lister Square, The Meadows

The place to go in the city for a Swedish-inspired crunchy, sugar-topped cinnamon bun to go with your skillfully poured flat white. The space is light-filled and airy, with a scandi vibe, as you’d expect. The sandwiches and wood-fired sourdough pizzas with the thinnest of bases are also a must-try. 

Wellington Coffee George Street, City Centre

Tucked away at cellar level, Wellington Coffee is a true cult coffee favourite in the city. Maybe it’s the strong coffee, the tiny space, the monochrome tiled floor or the sign written windows, but its enduring appeal is intangible. Maybe it’s just the fact that it’s always been there, and sometimes, that’s everything. 

We hope you’ve enjoyed this criminally-short list of some of our favourite coffee hang-outs in the city. And let us know if we’ve missed out your all-time favourite!! Check back in soon for some more Edinburgh tips. 


Our Top 5 Old Town Hidden Gems